This is a
long one.
For two
weeks we have been contending with winter and poor health. A ten-inch snowstorm
was followed a week later by an ice storm. During that time, I missed one whole
day and two half-days of work due to acute bronchitis, the effects of which are
not yet completely gone. On Monday afternoon, as I prepared to leave work and
was scraping the ice off my car, I ended up with a spider-web cracked back
window and a hole the size of a football in said window. A generous coworker
picked me up at my house on Tuesday morning (it was definitely out of her way
to do so). Later, I was talking with a student that had been shoveling the
sidewalk when the window broke and he was asking about the situation. I
mentioned that my home was also without electricity. He was sympathetic, which
was nice. But it was also a chance to say that I believed that God was watching
out for my family and that He would provide whatever we needed. The young man
expressed appreciation for my outlook.
As my
coworker drove me back to town, I called my brother-in-law to ask his advice
(as a homebuilder, he tends to have good ideas!) on making sure our pipes
wouldn't freeze as the temp was expected to drop below zero that night. He said
that he had a kerosene heater that we could use, and he took the time out of
his day to get it out of his barn, clean it up, and get it ready for us. He
agreed to bring it to the Christmas Eve service at our church and give it to us
My coworker
dropped me off at the church, as it was in her neighborhood, and Laurel and the
boys picked me up there a few minutes later. In the meantime, I had called my
folks to see how they were doing and to let them know what was going on with
us. We ran some errands (lunch, a haircut for me, a couple of last-minute items
for Christmas) and then went home to get ready for the service.
By the time we
were ready to go, both my folks and my sister's family had offered to let us
spend the night at their respective homes to stay warm. When we got to the
church early for rehearsal, conversations there led to similar offers from the
pastor's family and an elder's family. We also learned of several other church
families that were without electricity. One couple offered to let me pick up
kerosene from their home after the service to use with my brother-in-law's
The service
was simple, but beautiful. The special music was soul-stirring. The sermon was
short, but powerful in reminding us that our Savior was born to die that we
might live, that He became poor that we might receive Him and be rich. My heart
still swells with joy at the love of God for His people, and I am so grateful
that He has made me His own!
After the
service, another man in the church offered us the use of a small generator
(brand new, still in the box, he said) to power our furnace, so that we would
at least stay warm. He said he'd provide gas for it, too, to save me the
trouble of getting some, as my gas can is inside a shed I can't access just now
(door frozen to ground). My brother-in-law offered to bring it to us and hook
it up, as our furnace is hard-wired and would need a handyman to connect it
safely (and I'm no handyman). We agreed that this was a better solution than
the space heater, especially since it would help the whole house.
All the
arrangements were made. He would pick up the generator and other necessary
supplies and come to our house later. The elder that offered us a place to stay
would call and check on us to see if we would be coming that night or if we'd
want to go to their home on Christmas. The boys were exhausted and needed
sleep. We still had presents to wrap, of course.
As we drove
into our town, I suddenly noticed that some homes had lights where darkness had
held sway earlier. Then, about a mile from the house, we saw a utility truck,
with men hard at work. Hope began to rise in our hearts. Alas, it was still
dark on our stretch, so I parked the car carefully to allow room for my
brother-in-law and me to get the necessary supplies to the house to set up the
We went into
the house, where Laurel promptly put the boys to bed in their sleeping bags. I
stayed downstairs in the candlelight, trying to clear a space for my
brother-in-law to work. The elder called to see what our plans were. I thanked
him, as I had thanked my folks, my pastor, and my sister, and said that we
would stay in our own home for the night, but promised I would call again if
our plans changed.
I also
called the power company to try to find out approximately when our electricity
might be on again. The woman with whom I spoke was very gracious. As I gave her
my name and address she said, “Oh!”
She was
about to say that the problem that affected us had taken out 1,000 customers in
one fell swoop. However, as she spoke, I interrupted. “Oh! Our power is on!” I
got off the phone and went upstairs, where I told Laurel and the boys that the
power really was on; it wasn’t the generator. They prayed and thanked God for
that. I called my brother-in-law, who had gone home for some parts before
picking up the generator, and told him he could spend Christmas Eve with his
My heart was
already filled with thanksgiving to God for who He is and for what He has done
for my family and for me, but this really showcased so much of how He has
provided for us. His grace was at work through the generosity of so many
people, and then He provided the power itself to restore what we really needed.
We are
called to obey. We are called to walk by faith and to trust in His goodness.
Walking by faith in these circumstances this week seemed to involve trying to
solve our problems with the knowledge of how life works and with the wisdom God
has promised to give us. Triple-A got my car home on Monday (too far to drive
with too great a likelihood of having tiny shards of glass all over the back seat
of my car), and Geico will send Safelite to my home next Monday to replace the
broken window. I asked for help, and
friends and family responded.
Asking for
help involves humility and grace. The kindness of strangers, family and friends
were demonstrations of grace. Contentment with or giving thanks in all circumstances
is a command of God, and yet He also provides the means of obedience. I was
tempted to complain, but a colleague pointed out on Tuesday that I have a
full-time job now, and as difficult or as challenging as this situation seems,
I have the financial means to deal with it that I did not have a year ago! The
more I thought about his words, the more I started thanking God for each means
of grace in this situation.
God is good.
God has been good to us. God is being good to us, and God will continue to be
good to us. That’s who He is. It is not based on my faithfulness to Him, as I
have none apart from His grace. It is based in His character and His love.
I have much
to thank God for. This week’s little twists and turns have proven to be a
microcosm of God’s faithfulness, goodness and love for us. In a bigger picture,
the provision of full time employment in a position that matches my gifts and
skills is an answer to prayer that took more than a day or two to work out. The
same steps of trust and faith were required, though the process was longer than
getting heat and electricity back in the house. More than that, however, is all
the circumstances of life and God’s provision in every single one. Godly parents
and upbringing, godly and loving wife, faithful pastors and churches,
discipleship in Christ, children, family, friends, coworkers—every situation
and every life intertwined are in the hands of our good, faithful, loving, holy
God. I cannot imagine a better place to be than that.
My heart is
bursting with gratitude for such a wondrous love from the God Who Provides. Thank
you, Lord.
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