There has been little to say of late. A week before the big show (barbershop chorus) I came down with a fever and barking cough that put me down for several days, including the better part of Easter. In God's mercy I had enough voice back to sing in the show--what a blast that was! We sang to a sold out, enthusiastic audience. The "after glow" party for the singers and their wives/girlfriends was at my folks' house. That had great food and fellowship. The guest quartet, The Average Joes, asked me to sing a song with them. It took a few moments to screw up my courage to do it, but it was fun.
In other matters, I've had just three days of subbing in Brewer, but will be at Hermon High for two days next week. I love it when they call in advance, as it makes it much easier to plan my days! I've signed up for a world geography course online with U-Maine, Orono. It's a May term class that'll be all over and done with by the end of the month. Then I need to take an economics course. Following that, I'll have to pass the PRAXIS exams to complete my certification attempt in Maine. I am hoping and praying to find a public school teaching job (jr high or sr high) for next fall. If not, I'll keep subbing and waiting for the Lord to provide.
Lastly, I have not cut myself off from all potential administration positions in Christian schools. While no longer my focus, if a school contacts me and wants to interview me I'll do it. The Lord will open the door he wants me to pursue and close the ones not right for us (and for the school). As my dad has always said to me, it's important to keep my options open. In connection with that, I have a phone interview on Monday with a Christian school in the Pittsburgh, PA, vicinity. They found my resume on the ACSI web site and wanted to talk with me. We'll see how it goes.
I see supper's about ready. I'll sign off for now.
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