Friday, September 17, 2010

A Pondering Pilgrim in my dooryard

I re-read the opening post of another blog I follow, called "A Pondering Pilgrim." I'm related to the man that writes it, so I have a personal interest in his ponderings. I can't say that I agree with some of the conclusions he has reached over the last several months (because I don't), but I do understand his basic premise that what he believes about Christianity must be what he believes--not what others have told him or raised him to believe. Otherwise, it never takes root in him and becomes who he is. I don't mean this disrespectfully at all, Dan: Been there, done that. Bought the t-shirt, sent the postcard. Or so I thought.

What I've found is that Dan's journey of now (my journey of 23 years ago) is repeated whenever I think I've got life (and God) figured out. There's no doubt in my mind that I am now learning and/or re-learning to trust God to be who he says he is. Many of the people and things on which I have relied have been taken away--loved ones who've gone home to be with the Lord, impending loss of job (and lack of one to take its place), material goods damaged or destroyed, relationships damaged--and I am left with only (!) God. I am the Pondering Pilgrim in my dooryard.

Dan, my prayer for you is that you will take your experiences, thoughts, dreams, desires, hopes, expectations, successes, failures and needs to the One that can make all things word together for the good of those who are called according to his purpose, and let him make sense of your life. My prayer for me is that I will do the same. Then, as we rest in the knowledge of our Lord, let us tell transgressors his ways, and share with them the bounty of his blessings to those who trust in him.

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