I've received an inquiry from a school that has an opening for Upper School Principal. My understanding is that the position opened rather late in the hiring season, so they are taking their time to conduct a proper search. That's good.
After some back-and-forth e-mails in which I requested a point of clarification on a matter important to me (and to them, as it turns out), they have expressed interest in talking with me. I've offered some days and times.
I must admit a certain excitement in my bones for this possibility, even though it would require moving out of Maine. I guess it's partly the fact that someone out there finds my resume appealing, as well as the first real possibility I've had in several weeks. Only God knows where this will lead, and my times are in his hands.
Let me clarify this: God is not my "co-pilot". He is my Pilot. He is not the "top priority in my life". He is my life. I begin and end in Christ. All else in my life flows from my being in Christ. Church, wife, kids, work--all find their fulfillment and satisfaction in who I am in Christ.
Man is treacherous; God is faithful and true. "Let God be true and every man a liar."
Let's see you write coherently with a 2-yr old and 4-yr old climbing all over you and playing together loudly. :)